Our current exhibition The New West is open by appointment thru 10/6/24


Gallery is also open for special events throughout the spring/summer.

Watch Instagram @gateway_gallery

or Facebook @gatewaygallery

for event dates and times

Most architects design their own house, or office. I’ve never been able to do that, just never felt right.
Apparently instead of that, I’ve chosen to develop a commercial property in my small town in the desert, Ocotillo, CA, USA. The plan is to do something to benefit this community, which I love.
I’ve purchased a commercial property in the center of town, and have converted it to a boutique art gallery and art studio space, to include local artists in this beautiful desert. I’ve discovered there are so many creative people in this amazing valley.

Mark A Silva


Bring art and music to Ocotillo and Imperial Valley, CA.

Part of the Gallery property will be a music venue, Friendship Patio.

Collaborate with and expand the art community in this beautiful valley.

Provide a diverse array of art and music, exposing all peoples to beauty in our lives.


Leah - leahmelissablair@gmail.com Gallery Director

Mark - markitect@markasilva.com Owner

Open for Special Events

And by appointment 858-735-2375

For Special Events dates and times follow;

Instagram @gateway_gallery

Facebook @gatewaygallery